And now for the fun stuff! Check out our monthly staff spotlight here. Looking for the cutest pet contest? Keep scrolling!
Team Member Spotlight
It is our goal to provide the absolute best pet care in town. And the only way we can do that is to ensure we have a top notch team of pet care providers who strive to build lasting relationships with you and your pets. Meet Zaraiya! One of our pet care providers for Team Prairie Path.
How long have you been with Prairie Path?
January will mark 4 months of me working at Prairie Path.
What is your favorite part about working with Prairie Path?
I have a lot of favorites but my main favorite would have to be the freedom of the job. I love not being confined to an office or a warehouse like my doggy daycare job, for example. I really enjoy being outside every day. I love walking. I love the fresh air. It’s absolutely amazing.
If you could trade lives with any animal for a day, what animal would you choose and why?
I would probably trade lives with a manatee because they’re adorable. They’re my favorite animal. They’re like underwater cows that sleep and eat and I love doing both of those things.
What dog breed is most similar to your personality and why?
I would say a pitbull is similar to my personality because I am a very loving person a very happy go lucky person and I have four Pitbulls at home and since I’ve rescued them since day one that’s exactly what they’ve been towards me very sweet loving happy dogs.
How do you like to spend your days off?
I love to spend my days off, cuddling with my dogs in bed with a nice book or a good movie on, or out on adventures with my dogs, weather that’s hiking or in a forest preserve or in some random part of the city somewhere.
Tell us a fun fact about you!
A fun fact about me is I have more than 10 pets.

Your pet can be the next cutest pet!
Submission is easy as 1, 2, 3
Snap a photo of your dog, your cat or whatever pet you have at home and email it to
Cast your vote below and follow us on Socials to find out the winner.
Winners receive a free visit from your favorite pet sitter on us!
Anyone can play!
Be sure to include your pets name, your name and whether you're new to Prairie Path or a current client.